Pura Lempuyang |
Pura Lempuyang (Lempuyang temple) is located on Lempuyang Mountain, Karangasem Regency, east Bali. The Balinese Hindu’s named it Sad Khayangan Agung Lempuyang Luhur, which is the place for Hyang Iswara and Hyang Agni Jaya. Puja Wali/ piodalan (sacred day) is held every six months, exactly on Umanis Galungan, Kamis (Thursday) wuku Dungulan, or the day after the Galungan ceremony.
To go to Lempuyang temple from Denpasar, it is about 80 km, a 2 hour journey to the east. Along the way, you will see beautiful scenery, rice field panoramas and rivers.
Lempuyang Temple contains a lot of mysteries from a long time ago, when Sang Hyang Pasupati recommended Hyang Gni Jaya together with Hyang Putra Jaya and Dewi Danuh to save Bali from disaster. Later, according to the villagers, as well as for praying, there are also people who come to Lempuyang Temple for other purposes, such as to recover from illnesses, avoid evil, and there are even politicians or officials who pray that their authority will be forever or to try to obtain a certain position. Usually they come in the middle of night, in order to avoid the public. |
Balinese Temples |
JBali is sometimes called the "Island of 10.000 Temples" (or "Island of the Gods") and this is not exaggerated. First of all, every village has at least three temples: the Pura Desa, where religious festivals are celebrated, the Pura Dalem for the Goddess of Death (this is the place where the funeral cremation rites start), and the Pura Puseh that is dedicated to the Gods of Heaven. Temples are everywhere, on the mountains and in the valleys, in the ricefields (they are small shrines for the Rice Goddess), and on the seaside, and every temple is different.
The Balinese religion is still very much alive. Every morning you can somewhere in Bali see small or larger groups of girls and women bringing offerings to a temple and the important festivals are celebrated by everybody with large processions to the temple that are accompanied by gamelan musicians.
The Balinese religion is based on Hinduism, but incorporates a lot of pre-Hindu, animist beliefs (primarily ancestor worship). In ancient times the founder of a village was revered as a god after his death by the village people. When the Hindu princes from Java occupied Bali (see ">Short Overview of the History of Bali) their form of worshipping their dead kings as gods came very close to the old Balinese ancestor worship. The many different gods of Bali (gods of Earth, Fire, Water, and Fertility) were now all viewed as different manifestations of the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and the destroyer/creator Shiva. |
Mantram |
Sacred keys and magic words to God. Many common Mantram are used in the original Sanskrit language. However it is of utmost importance to truly know and be fully aware of a Mantram's true spiritual meaning. To benefit from its true and Divine Power of freeing and healing you should know the true meaning and you should fully agree with its meaning and identify yourself with its meaning and Divine power.
For that particular reason we prefer to use Mantram in your own language or a language you truly understand. The Divine power of any Mantram is completely free of the language the Mantram is used in. It is your intent - your inner attitude that frees the Divine magic power contained in every Mantram.
Words are magic. Use words consciously and concentrated. Be aware of what you say and use your words - and thoughts - always with Love for the greatest spiritual result and benefit. Anything else - any other attitude - may give any different result - may be even detrimental to your spiritual goals and detrimental to your souls well-being !!!
Be wise in the use of Mantram - choose the path of Love and Mantram of Love only and do it with all the power of your soul and heart to result in ONENESS in God. What ever you do with all the Divine power of your soul and heart is always enough to lead you to the final destination of ONENESS in God in Love. If at any time you put all at stake that you have, all your possession, all your power, all your Love, all you ever have created, collected, earned, including ALL your memories and turn it ALL to God with Love - in Love - then it ALWAYS is sufficient to open and pass through the door of Love to God. |
Ongkara |
Ongkara, or the Balinese Om, is one of the most sacred symbols in the Balinese culture, symbolising the universe and life itself.When Au Kara meets Ulu Candra, the romanization is not “Aung”, but “Om”. And the letter has a special name Ongkara This word is used almost everywhere in the text, as it is the symbol of God Himself. The most notable sentences using OM are the greetings: Om Swastiastu
(May God blesses you), Om Şanti Şanti Şanti, Om
(May peace be everywhere) |
Gayatri Mantram |
om bhur bwah swah tat sawitur warenyam bhargo dewasya dhimahi dyo yonah pracodayat |
Melukat |
Rabu, 16 Juli 2008 |
In Bali, there are so many ceremony that must done by everyone specially for Hinduism people. Because in Hinduism religion there are five level ceremony called "Panca Yadnya" that must executed for all hinduism people. The five level are Dewa Yadnya, Rsi Yadnya, Pitra Yadnya, Manusa Yadnya, and Bhuta Yadnya. Bhuta Yadnya is the lowest level cause this yadnya addressed for "bhuta kala" that is a other strenght according to hinduism belief. We must gave it a ceremony so that "bhuta kala" not bothering our life. Not less important is Manusa Yadnya. this ceremony adressed for human being. Example is "Melukat". Melukat is a ceremony for human being or people that purpose to cleaning our body and soul from bad spirit. Like at Tanah Lot, at segara kidul Tanah Lot usually used to Melukat. Because Tanah Lot Temple have two source of holy water that needed for washing the body of human being. On this source of holy water, the holy water was taken and used for washing people which want to melukat. Melukat ussualy doing by all hinduism people according to readiness of them. The Hindu Balinese still has strong belief that diseases or anything that happen in this life caused from both natural (sekala) and supernatural (niskala) origin… the concept that can explain about two different world in our life in the world before died.
posted by I Made Artawan @ 06.28  |
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Name: I Made Artawan
Home: Br. Gunung Rata, Getakan, Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia
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